Yanbu Refinery

Yanbu Refinery
Replace Auxiliary Control Systems at Yanbu Refinery
Introduction of motor operated actuatores for manual valves in the Tank Farm. Introduction of a new 2-wire network MOV system for the replaced MOV actuators in the Tank Farm. Introduction of new Emergency Isolation Valves (EIVs) in the Tank Farm. Connection of existing EIVs in the Tank Farm to the new Emergency Shutdown System (ESD) introduced in this Project. Replacement of the existing Radar Tank Gauging (RTG) system in the Tank Farm Area. Replacement of new instruments in the Utility. Tank Farm and Marine Areas. Introduce Hi-Hi level alarms for the Tanks at Tank Farm & at Utility Area. Pump Inputs / Outputs (I/Os) connection to expanded DCS in the Utility Area and Tank Farm. Interfacing several local pump control panels to the DCS in the Utility Area and Tank Farms.
Construction of new Process Interface Building (PIB) in the Utility Area. Construction of a Satellite Instrument House next to the existing Tank Farm Control Room to accommodate the additional Process Control System (PCS) components introduced in this respect. Demolition of the Existing Relay based Relay based BMS at Utility Area, Uninterruptable Power Supply (UPS) systems at Marine Substations and Tank Gauging System at the Tank Farm & Utility Areas.